Angry Bears.

Angry Bears specialises in creating custom, high-quality video content.

We’re a team of idea makers that provide personalised service with every step of the way.

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Life Begins Now

In Life Begins Now, we join Ria Wade and Cohen Ornam on a spiritual journey at a point where life begins; at the entrance to a party, in the natural depths of the scents and sounds of a city park, by the water side as uncomfortable yet emancipating truths are exchanged… When we first meet Cohen Ornam, he is about to enter a party and is filled with the anticipation of what the future is about to bring. He enters the party and his senses are overwhelmed with celebration: sights of his friends, the aroma of whiskey and the whiff of smoke. Yet, all is not as it seems. Ria and Cohen share a love with no past, and no future. Just Now.

Release Date:

July 22, 2015

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