Angry Bears.

Angry Bears specialises in creating custom, high-quality video content.

We’re a team of idea makers that provide personalised service with every step of the way.

We’re based in Dublin but our team can be international and informal.

Dublin 2, 20 Harcourt Street

+353 01 901 0384
Bethnal Green – London
020 4538 2694
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030 38104102
The Old Secret

It’s a thriller, set in a small village in Ireland, telling a non-linear story that spans a 20 year period about Max and Dorothy, in their late 40’s. He carries a dark secret which often torments his mind, that appears to involve his beloved wife. His sin seems to burn into his conscience and lately he can’t hide it. But a confession won’t come out easily from him, or from her.

Release Date:

August 26, 2018

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