Angry Bears.

Angry Bears specialises in creating custom, high-quality video content.

We’re a team of idea makers that provide personalised service with every step of the way.

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Somewhere in the Past

Mary is a young woman in the present, facing an unplanned pregnancy. She is unsure what to do. We meet her grandmother Aisling in the1950’s, when she was pregnant with her first child, unaware that she would not survive the birth. On a visit to her grandfather, Mary is suddenly connected to Aisling via a mysterious telephone in the cemetery, which seems to be in some way wired to the past. In this story, Mary and Aisling are both faced with an extreme choice to make. Will they choose to have their babies? What will be the impact of their decision? This is a controversial subject, and the intention is to explore the situational dilemma facing both women, without judgment, not to choose a side in the abortion debate as it stands.

Release Date:

March 17, 2017

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